Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
1,680 lines
extern _rand_table:dword
extern _sin_table:word
extern _asin_table:word
extern _tan_table1:dword
extern _tan_table3:dword
extern _tan_table4:dword
extern _atan_table1:word
extern _atan_table2:word
extern _atan_table3:word
extern _atan_table4:word
extern _log2_table:word
extern _exp2_table:word
extern _sqrt_table:word
public _rnd1
public _rnd2
public _rnd3
_rnd1 dd 193
_rnd2 dd 0
_rnd3 dd 122231
public rand32_
rand32_ proc near
push edx
mov edx,[_rnd3]
mov eax,[_rnd1]
and edx,03FFh
mul edx
inc [_rnd2]
mov edx,[_rnd2]
and edx,16383
jne r_a
push edx
shr edx,14
add [_rnd3],3
and edx,16383
add eax,[_rand_table+edx]
add [_rand_table+edx],1239876
pop edx
r_a: add eax,[_rand_table+edx]
pop edx
mov [_rnd1],eax
rand32_ endp
; eax - desired two pow interval
; edx - desired interval
public randpowint_
randpowint_ proc near
push ebx
mov ebx,eax
; unrolling starts
push edx
mov edx,[_rnd3]
mov eax,[_rnd1]
and edx,03FFh
mul edx
inc [_rnd2]
mov edx,[_rnd2]
and edx,16383
jne pir_a
push edx
shr edx,14
add [_rnd3],3
and edx,16383
add eax,[_rand_table+edx]
add [_rand_table+edx],1239876
pop edx
pir_a: add eax,[_rand_table+edx]
pop edx
mov [_rnd1],eax
; unrolling stops
and eax,ebx
cmp eax,edx
jae get_another
pop ebx
randpowint_ endp
public randinter_
randinter_ proc near
push edx
push ecx
push eax
frl00: xor ecx,ecx
cmp eax,010000h
jb frl0
shr eax,16
add cl,16
frl0: cmp eax,0100h
jb frl1
shr eax,8
add cl,8
frl1: cmp eax,010h
jb frl2
shr eax,4
add cl,4
frl2: cmp eax,04h
jb frl3
shr eax,2
add cl,2
frl3: cmp eax,2
jb frl4
inc ecx
frl4: inc cl
mov edx,1
shl edx,cl
pop ecx
dec edx ; eax now holding 2pow interval
; unrolling starts
push edx
mov edx,[_rnd3]
mov eax,[_rnd1]
and edx,03FFh
mul edx
inc [_rnd2]
mov edx,[_rnd2]
and edx,16383
jne ir_a
push edx
shr edx,14
add [_rnd3],3
and edx,16383
add eax,[_rand_table+edx]
add [_rand_table+edx],1239876
pop edx
ir_a: add eax,[_rand_table+edx]
pop edx
mov [_rnd1],eax
; unrolling stops
and eax,edx
cmp eax,ecx
jae gget_another
pop ecx
pop edx
randinter_ endp
public ffsmul_
; eax - contains fixfloat 1
; edx - contains fixfloat 2
; routine affects edx due to 64 bit multiplication
ffsmul_ proc near
imul edx
shrd eax,edx,16
ffsmul_ endp
public ffsdiv_
; eax contains denominator (Above division line)
; edx contains nominator (Below division line)
ffsdiv_ proc near
push edx
push ecx
push ebx
or eax,eax
mov ecx,edx
mov bl,0
jns fsd_1
neg eax
inc bl
fsd_1: or ecx,ecx
mov edx,eax
jns fsd_2
neg ecx
inc bl
fsd_2: shr edx,16
shl eax,16
cmp edx,ecx
jae div_by_0
div ecx
test bl,1
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
je fsd_3
neg eax
fsd_3: ret
div_by_0: test bl,1
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
jne dbz1
mov eax,07FFFFFFFh
dbz1: mov eax,080000000h
ffsdiv_ endp
public ffmul_
; eax - contains fixfloat 1
; edx - contains fixfloat 2
; routine affects edx due to 64 bit multiplication
ffmul_ proc near
mul edx
shrd eax,edx,16
ffmul_ endp
public ffdiv_
; eax contains denominator (Above division line)
; edx contains nominator (Below division line)
ffdiv_ proc near
push edx
push ecx
mov ecx,edx
mov edx,eax
shl eax,16
shr edx,16
cmp edx,ecx
jae div_by_00
div ecx
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ecx
pop edx
mov eax,0FFFFFFFFh
ffdiv_ endp
public ffsin_
public ffcos_
add eax,04000h ; that's all there is to it !
ffsin_ proc near
push ebx
test eax,08000h
setne bl
and eax,07FFFh
cmp eax,04000h
jb fsn1
xor eax,07FFFh
fsn1: shr eax,2 ; increased resolution 4 times
mov ax,[_sin_table+eax*2]
or bl,bl
je ffsn2
neg eax
ffsn2: pop ebx
ffsin_ endp
public ffasin_
ffasin_ proc near
push ebx
or eax,eax
mov bl,0
jns fasn2
neg eax
inc ebx
fasn2: and eax,0FFFFh
shr eax,4
mov ax,[_asin_table+eax*2]
or bl,bl
je fasn1
neg eax
fasn1: pop ebx
ffasin_ endp
public ffacos_
ffacos_ proc near
push ebx
or eax,eax
mov bl,0
jns facn2
neg eax
inc ebx
facn2: and eax,0FFFFh
shr eax,4
mov ax,[_asin_table+eax*2]
or bl,bl
je facn1
neg eax
facn1: pop ebx
sub eax,04000h
neg eax
ffacos_ endp
public fftan_
fftan_ proc near
push ebx
test eax,4000h
mov bl,0
je ftn1
test eax,3FFFh
jne ftn01
mov eax,030000000h ; almost infinity
pop ebx
ftn01: neg eax
inc bl
ftn1: and eax,03FFFh
cmp eax,03C00h
jae ftn3
shr eax,4 ; lowest tan interval
or bl,bl
mov eax,[_tan_table1+eax*4]
je ftn11
neg eax
ftn11: pop ebx
ftn3: cmp eax,03F00h
jae ftn4
and eax,03fch
or bl,bl
mov eax,[_tan_table3+eax]
je ftn31
neg eax
ftn31: pop ebx
ftn4: and eax,0FFh
or bl,bl
mov eax,[_tan_table4+eax*4]
je ftn41
neg eax
ftn41: pop ebx
fftan_ endp
public ffatan_
ffatan_ proc near
push ebx
or eax,eax
mov bl,0
jns fat0
neg eax
inc ebx
fat0: cmp eax,040000h
jae fat1
shr eax,8
or bl,bl
mov ax,[_atan_table1+eax*2]
je fat01
neg eax
fat01: pop ebx
fat1: cmp eax,0100000h
jae fat2
shr eax,12
or bl,bl
mov ax,[_atan_table2+eax*2]
je fat11
neg eax
fat11: pop ebx
fat2: cmp eax,02000000h ; 512.0
jae fat3
shr eax,17
or bl,bl
mov ax,[_atan_table3+eax*2]
je fat21
neg eax
fat21: pop ebx
fat3: cmp eax,020000000h ; 8192.0
jae fat4
shr eax,21
or bl,bl
mov ax,[_atan_table4+eax*2]
je fat31
neg eax
fat31: pop ebx
fat4: or bl,bl
mov eax,03FFFh ; almost 90 degrees
jns fat31
neg eax
jmp fat31
ffatan_ endp
public fflog2_
fflog2_ proc near
push ecx
push ebx
or eax,eax
mov ebx,eax
jne ffl00
mov eax,80000000h ; approx -infinity
pop ebx
pop ecx
ffl00: xor ecx,ecx
cmp eax,010000h
jb ffl0
shr eax,16
add cl,16
ffl0: cmp eax,0100h
jb ffl1
shr eax,8
add cl,8
ffl1: cmp eax,010h
jb ffl2
shr eax,4
add cl,4
ffl2: cmp eax,04h
jb ffl3
shr eax,2
add cl,2
ffl3: cmp eax,2
jb ffl4
inc ecx
ffl4: mov eax,ebx
mov bl,cl
sub cl,12
js ffl5
shr eax,cl
jmp ffl6
ffl5: neg cl
shl eax,cl
ffl6: sub eax,01000h
sub bl,16
mov cx,[_log2_table+eax*2]
movsx eax,bl
pop ebx
shl eax,16
mov ax,cx
pop ecx
fflog2_ endp
public ffexp2_
ffexp2_ proc near
; test eax,0FFFFh
push ecx
mov ecx,eax
; je fenodec
shr eax,4
sar ecx,16
js fe1
and eax,0FFFh
mov ax,[_exp2_table+eax*2]
add eax,10000h
shl eax,cl
pop ecx
fe1: and eax,0FFFh
neg cl
mov ax,[_exp2_table+eax*2]
add eax,10000h
shr eax,cl
pop ecx
fenodec: sar ecx,16
mov eax,1
add ecx,16
shl eax,cl
pop ecx
ffexp2_ endp
public ffpow_
ffpow_ proc near ; neat procedure eh?
call fflog2_
call ffsmul_
call ffexp2_
ffpow_ endp
public ffsqrt_
ffsqrt_ proc near
push ecx
push ebx
or eax,eax
mov ebx,eax
jne ffs00
mov eax,0h ; sqrt 0 = 0
pop ebx
pop ecx
ffs00: xor ecx,ecx
cmp eax,010000h
jb ffs0
shr eax,16
add cl,16
ffs0: cmp eax,0100h
jb ffs1
shr eax,8
add cl,8
ffs1: cmp eax,010h
jb ffs2
shr eax,4
add cl,4
ffs2: cmp eax,04h
jb ffs3
shr eax,2
add cl,2
ffs3: cmp eax,2
jb ffs4
inc ecx
ffs4: mov eax,ebx
sub cl,15
test cl,1
je ffs5
inc cl
ffs5: mov bl,cl
add cl,4
jns ffs6
neg cl
shl eax,cl
jmp ffs7
ffs6: shr eax,cl
ffs7: sar bl,1
mov ax,[_sqrt_table+eax*2]
or bl,bl
mov cl,bl
js ffs8
shl eax,cl
pop ebx
pop ecx
ffs8: neg cl
pop ebx
shr eax,cl
pop ecx
ffsqrt_ endp
public fftrihyp_
fftrihyp_ proc near
push ecx
push ebx
fthp0: mov ebx,edx ; 2
imul eax ; edx:eax - a
mov ecx,edx
fthp1: xchg eax,ebx ; ecx:ebx - a
imul eax
add ebx,eax ; 2 2
pop eax
adc ecx,edx ; edx:eax - a +b
push eax
fthp11: imul eax
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
je t_hi_reg_zero
; bsr ecx,edx
; code from here
push edx
xor ecx,ecx
cmp edx,010000h
jb bsr00
shr edx,16
add cl,16
bsr00: cmp edx,0100h
jb bsr01
shr edx,8
add cl,8
bsr01: cmp edx,010h
jb bsr02
shr edx,4
add cl,4
bsr02: cmp edx,04h
jb bsr03
shr edx,2
add cl,2
bsr03: cmp edx,2
jb bsr04
inc ecx
bsr04: pop edx
; to here replaces bsr with a factor 2.5 speed gain
add cl,17
test cl,1
je fthp2
inc ecx
fthp2: mov ebx,ecx
cmp cl,020h
jae fthp20
shrd eax,edx,cl
jmp t_ready_to_root
fthp20: sub cl,020h
mov eax,edx ; 20 shifts
shr eax,cl
jmp t_ready_to_root
; bsr ecx,eax
; code from here
push eax
xor ecx,ecx
cmp eax,010000h
jb bsr10
shr eax,16
add cl,16
bsr10: cmp eax,0100h
jb bsr11
shr eax,8
add cl,8
bsr11: cmp eax,010h
jb bsr12
shr eax,4
add cl,4
bsr12: cmp eax,04h
jb bsr13
shr eax,2
add cl,2
bsr13: cmp eax,2
jb bsr14
inc ecx
bsr14: pop eax
; to here replaces bsr with a factor 2.5 speed gain
sub cl,15
test cl,1
je thrz1
inc ecx
thrz1: mov ebx,ecx
or ecx,ecx
js thrz2
shr eax,cl
jmp t_ready_to_root
thrz2: neg ecx
shl eax,cl
shr eax,4 ;
mov ecx,ebx
and eax,0fffh
sub cl,16
mov ax,[_sqrt_table+eax*2]
sar cl,1
js trtr1
shl eax,cl
pop ebx
pop ecx
trtr1: neg cl
shr eax,cl
pop ebx
pop ecx
fftrihyp_ endp
public ffhyp_
ffhyp_ proc near
push ecx
push ebx
fhp0: mov ebx,edx ; 2
imul eax ; edx:eax - a
mov ecx,edx
; 2
fhp1: xchg eax,ebx ; ecx:ebx - a
imul eax
add eax,ebx ; 2 2
adc edx,ecx ; edx:eax - a + b
je hi_reg_zero
; bsr ecx,edx
; code from here
push edx
xor ecx,ecx
cmp edx,010000h
jb bsr20
shr edx,16
add cl,16
bsr20: cmp edx,0100h
jb bsr21
shr edx,8
add cl,8
bsr21: cmp edx,010h
jb bsr22
shr edx,4
add cl,4
bsr22: cmp edx,04h
jb bsr23
shr edx,2
add cl,2
bsr23: cmp edx,2
jb bsr24
inc ecx
bsr24: pop edx
; to here replaces bsr with a factor 2.5 speed gain
add cl,17
test cl,1
je fhp2
inc ecx
fhp2: mov ebx,ecx
cmp cl,020h
jae fhp20
shrd eax,edx,cl
jmp ready_to_root
fhp20: sub cl,020h
mov eax,edx ; 020h shifts
shr eax,cl
jmp ready_to_root
; bsr ecx,eax
; code from here
push eax
xor ecx,ecx
cmp eax,010000h
jb bsr30
shr eax,16
add cl,16
bsr30: cmp eax,0100h
jb bsr31
shr eax,8
add cl,8
bsr31: cmp eax,010h
jb bsr32
shr eax,4
add cl,4
bsr32: cmp eax,04h
jb bsr33
shr eax,2
add cl,2
bsr33: cmp eax,2
jb bsr34
inc ecx
bsr34: pop eax
; to here replaces bsr with a factor 2.5 speed gain
sub cl,15
test cl,1
je hrz1
inc ecx
hrz1: mov ebx,ecx
or ecx,ecx
js hrz2
shr eax,cl
jmp ready_to_root
hrz2: neg ecx
shl eax,cl
shr eax,4 ;
mov ecx,ebx
and eax,0fffh
sub cl,16
mov ax,[_sqrt_table+eax*2]
sar cl,1
js rtr1
shl eax,cl
pop ebx
pop ecx
rtr1: neg cl
shr eax,cl
pop ebx
pop ecx
ffhyp_ endp
public ffalmosthyp_
ffalmosthyp_ proc near
or eax,eax
push edx
jns fah_1
neg eax
fah_1: or edx,edx
jns fah_2
neg edx
fah_2: cmp eax,edx
jae fah_3
xchg eax,edx
fah_3: shr edx,1
add eax,edx
pop edx
ffalmosthyp_ endp
public ffmuldiv_
ffmuldiv_ proc near
push esi
push ebx
push ecx
push eax
push edx
ffmd5: mov eax,ebx
imul ecx
je ffmd_zero_nominator
mov ebx,eax
mov ecx,edx
mov eax,[esp]
mov edx,[esp+4]
imul edx
or edx,edx
mov esi,edx ; sign of nominator
jns ffmd51
neg eax ; negating denominator
neg edx
ffmd51: or ecx,ecx
jns ffmd52
xor esi,0x80000000 ; change sign of result
not ebx
not ecx
ffmd52: cmp edx,0xFFFF
ja ffmd520
shld edx,eax,16
shl eax,16
or ecx,ecx
jmp ffmd521
ffmd520: shrd ebx,ecx,16
shr ecx,16
ffmd521: jne ffmd_more_shift
cmp edx,ebx
jae ffmd_overflow
idiv ebx ; there is no test for overflow
or esi,esi
pop edx ; in this division
jns ffmd53
neg eax
ffmd53: add esp,4
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop esi
shrd eax,edx,16
shr edx,16
shrd ebx,ecx,16
cmp edx,ebx
jae ffmd_overflow
idiv ebx
or esi,esi
pop edx
jns ffmd54
neg eax
ffmd54: add esp,4
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edx
add esp,4
or esi,esi
js ffmd6
mov eax,07FFFFFFFh
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edx
pop eax
xor eax,edx
js ffmd6
mov eax,07FFFFFFFh ; positive infinity
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop esi
ffmd6: mov eax,080000000h ; negative infinity
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop esi
ffmuldiv_ endp
public ffmmd_
ffmmd_ proc near
push esi
push ebx
xor esi,esi
push edx
ffmmd2: imul edx
jns ffmmd3
neg edx
neg eax
inc esi
ffmmd3: or ebx,ebx
jns ffmmd4
neg ebx
dec esi
ffmmd4: cmp edx,ebx
jae ffmmd_overflow
div ebx
or esi,esi
pop edx
je ffmmd5
neg eax
ffmmd5: pop ebx
pop esi
or esi,esi
pop edx
pop ebx
pop esi
js ffmmd6
mov eax,07FFFFFFFh
ffmmd6: mov eax,080000000h
ffmmd_ endp
public ffortproj_
; eax - a
; edx - b
; ebx - c
; ecx - d
; returns (a*b+c*d)/(a*a+c*c)
ffortproj_ proc near
push ebx
push edx
push ecx
sar eax,5
sar edx,5
sar ebx,5
sar ecx,5
push eax
call ffsmul_ ; eax = a*b
push eax
mov eax,ebx
mov edx,ecx
call ffsmul_ ; eax = c*d
pop ecx ; ecx = a*b
add ecx,eax ; ecx = a*b + c*d
mov eax,ebx
mov edx,ebx
call ffsmul_
mov ebx,eax ; ebx = c*c
pop eax
mov edx,eax
call ffsmul_ ; eax = a*a
add ebx,eax ; ebx = c*c + a*a
mov eax,ecx
mov edx,ebx
call ffsdiv_
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ebx
ffortproj_ endp
public ffortproj1_
; eax - a
; edx - b
; ebx - c
; ecx - d
; returns (a*b+c*d)/sqrt(a*a+c*c)
ffortproj1_ proc near
push ebx
push edx
push ecx
sar eax,6
sar edx,6
sar ebx,6
sar ecx,6
push eax
call ffsmul_ ; eax = a*b
push eax
mov eax,ebx
mov edx,ecx
call ffsmul_ ; eax = c*d
pop ecx ; ecx = a*b
add ecx,eax ; ecx = a*b + c*d
mov eax,ebx
mov edx,ebx
call ffsmul_
mov ebx,eax ; ebx = c*c
pop eax
mov edx,eax
call ffsmul_ ; eax = a*a
add eax,ebx ; ebx = c*c + a*a
call ffsqrt_ ; root it
mov edx,eax
mov eax,ecx
call ffsdiv_
shl eax,6 ; compensating root
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ebx
ffortproj1_ endp
public ffdot_through_hyps_
; eax - a
; edx - b
; ebx - c
; ecx - d
; returns (a*b+c*d)/(sqrt(a*a+c*c)*sqrt(b*b+d*d))
ffdot_through_hyps_ proc near
push ebx
push edx
push ecx
sar eax,5
sar edx,5
sar ebx,5
sar ecx,5
push edx
push ecx
push eax
call ffsmul_ ; eax = a*b
push eax
mov eax,ebx
mov edx,ecx
call ffsmul_ ; eax = c*d
pop ecx ; ecx = a*b
add ecx,eax ; ecx = a*b + c*d
mov eax,ebx
mov edx,ebx
call ffsmul_
mov ebx,eax ; ebx = c*c
pop eax
mov edx,eax
call ffsmul_ ; eax = a*a
add eax,ebx
call ffsqrt_
mov ebx,eax ; ebx = sqrt(c*c + a*a)
pop eax
mov edx,eax
call ffsmul_ ; eax = d*d
pop edx
push eax
mov eax,edx
call ffsmul_ ; eax = b*b
pop edx
add eax,edx
call ffsqrt_ ; eax = sqrt(d*d + b*b)
mov edx,ebx
call ffmul_ ; eax = sqrt(d*d + b*b) * sqrt(c*c + a*a)
mov edx,eax
mov eax,ecx
call ffsdiv_ ; eax = a*b + c*d / (sqrt(d*d + b*b) * sqrt(c*c + a*a))
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ebx
ffdot_through_hyps_ endp
public isqrt_
isqrt_ proc near
push ecx
push edx
push eax
; bsr ecx,eax ; unfold
; code from here
xor ecx,ecx
cmp eax,010000h
jb is30
shr eax,16
add cl,16
is30: cmp eax,0100h
jb is31
shr eax,8
add cl,8
is31: cmp eax,010h
jb is32
shr eax,4
add cl,4
is32: cmp eax,04h
jb is33
shr eax,2
add cl,2
is33: cmp eax,2
jb is34
inc ecx
; to here replaces bsr with a factor 2.5 speed gain
mov edx,ecx
sub cl,10
neg edx
test cl,1
pop eax
je is1
inc edx
dec ecx
add dl,31
or cl,cl
js is2
shr eax,cl
jmp is3
neg cl
shl eax,cl
shr dl,1
mov ax,[_sqrt_table+eax*2]
mov ecx,edx
pop edx
shr eax,cl
pop ecx
isqrt_ endp
; eax - denominator lo part
; edx - denominator hi
; ebx - nominator
; ecx - pointer to DWORD location to store
; decimal fraction of result.
; returns the integer part of result
; works with signed 64 bit quantities
; this routine does not check for any zero divisions
public ff_double_div_
ff_double_div_ proc near
push edx
push edi
xor edi,edi
or edx,edx
jns dd_1
neg edx
neg eax ; make both numbers positive
sbb edx,0
inc edi
dd_1: or ebx,ebx
jns dd_2
neg ebx
inc edi
dd_2: div ebx
push eax ; this is integer part of
; division
xor eax,eax ; produce decimal part of
div ebx ; division
pop edx ; eax - decpart, edx - intpart
dd_4: test edi,1
je dd_5
neg edx ; negate integer part
neg eax ; negate decimal part
sbb edx,0 ; dec if non zero eax
dd_5: mov [ecx],eax ; store away decimal fraction
mov eax,edx ; return integer fraction
pop edi ; restore registers
pop edx
ff_double_div_ endp
; eax - pointer to low value
; edx - pointer to hi value
; ebx - 0 - ordinary shift
; no 0 - arithmetic shift
; ecx - nr of steps to shift,
; right is positive,
; left is negative
public ff_double_shift_
ff_double_shift_ proc near
push esi
or ecx,ecx
js dr_left
; rotate right
mov esi,[edx]
shrd [eax],esi,cl
xor esi,esi
or ebx,ebx
jne dr_aritm
shrd [edx],esi,cl
pop esi
dr_aritm: mov esi,[edx]
sar esi,31
shrd [edx],esi,cl
pop esi
; shift left
dr_left: push ecx
neg ecx
mov esi,[eax]
shld [edx],esi,cl
xor esi,esi
shld [eax],esi,cl
pop ecx
pop esi
ff_double_shift_ endp
; /\ Y
; |
; This routine takes a | o (1,2)
; vector in it's rectangular form | /
; and returns the angle it forms | /\ V = atan(2/1)
; in relation to the point (1,0). |/ |
; that is coordinate (0,1) will return -------------> X
; (90/360)*65536 ,
; coordinate (0,-1) will return
; ((-90/360)*65536) & 65535
; renember, there are 65536 degrees in
; a circle in fixfloat universe.
; eax - x component
; edx - y component
; returns result in eax
public ff_vec_to_ang_
ff_vec_to_ang_ proc near
or eax,eax
push edx
push ecx
mov cl,0
js ff_fta0
jne ff_fta1
or edx,edx
je ff_zero_vector
jmp ff_fta1
neg eax ; make sure x component is positive
neg edx
inc cl ; flag that we have to subtract/add '180' degrees to angle
cmp edx,eax ; test if y>x
jge ff_y_bigger
push edx
neg edx
cmp edx,eax ; test if -y>x
pop edx
jge ff_y_bigger
; abs(x)>abs(y)
xchg eax,edx ; put y on top in divisor, x in bottom
call ffsdiv_ ; divide
call ffatan_ ; arc tan
jmp ff_fta2
ff_y_bigger: ; abs(y)>abs(x)
push 0004000h
or edx,edx
jns ff_yb1
mov DWORD PTR[esp],000c000h
ff_yb1: call ffsdiv_
call ffatan_
neg eax
pop edx
add eax,edx
or cl,cl ; see if need to flip angle '180' degrees
pop ecx
je ff_fta3
xor eax,08000h ; flip it
and eax,0FFFFh
pop edx
xor eax,eax
pop ecx
pop edx
ff_vec_to_ang_ endp
; this routine solves a 2:nd degree equation
; by std formula, for given p & 1 :
; 2
; x + px + q = 0
; setup at call :
; eax - p
; edx - q
; ebx - pointer to where to put conjugate part ( the +/- term )
; ecx - pointer to where to put prefix part (-p/2)
; returns eax - 0 if solved OK
; returns eax - no 0 if no real roots
; routine handles cases where p*p/4-q>32767 correctly,
; since it uses intermediate 64 bit representation
public ff_solve_2nd_poly_
ff_solve_2nd_poly_ proc near
push edx
push ecx
push eax
mov ecx,edx ; square the p term
mov edx,eax
imul edx
shrd eax,edx,18 ; work with 64 bits for a while
sar edx,18
or ecx,ecx ; slightly different behaviour if negative q value
js ff2nd_1
sub eax,ecx
sbb edx,0
jmp ff2nd_2
neg ecx
add eax,ecx
adc edx,0
js ff2nd_no_real_roots ; such things happens...
xor ecx,ecx
or edx,edx
je ff2nd_4
shrd eax,edx,2 ; enable momentary overflow but still give correct result
inc ecx ; with the help of afew shifts
shr edx,2
jne ff2nd_3
call ffsqrt_
shl eax,cl
mov [ebx],eax ; storing conjugate
pop eax
pop ecx
neg eax ; calc -p/2
pop edx
sar eax,1
mov [ecx],eax
xor eax,eax ; indicate we did OK
pop eax
pop ecx
neg eax
pop edx
sar eax,1
mov [ecx],eax
mov al,1 ; indicate no real roots
ff_solve_2nd_poly_ endp